This is our first volume in a projected series of Russian operaticarias, the second of which was TWENTY ARIAS FOR BARITONEby Anton Belov. Contains the music, IPA and Word-for-Wordtranslations.The arias...
This is our second volume in a projected series of Russian operatic arias, the first of which was TWENTY ARIAS FOR TENOR by JR Fralick. Contains the music, IPA and Word-for-Word translations....
Volume IIFor Mezzo-SopranoBy Paula Boire Thirty-Two songs from the contemporary repertoire of eleven Romanian composers, with IPA transliterations, Word-for-Word English translations, and Commentary by Professor Paula Boire. The commentary consists...
By Gordon Myers Contains medium voice settings to 42 of Mark Twain’s wittiest remarks, either known to be said by him or attributed to him. Those who already know Dr....
Songs of Richard FaithBrenda Baker – SopranoRichard Faith – Piano Featuring several songs from Leyerle Publications, the CD includes:SONGS OF SPRINGTIMEDesire In SpringFireflySpring QuietSpring, The Sweet SpringSONGS FOR FLUTE, PIANO...
Songs of Richard FaithLesley Manring, Soprano William Lavonis, TenorJulie Simson, Mezzo-SopranoKurt Ollman, BaritoneRichard Faith, PianoElizabeth Rodgers, Piano Compact Disc, Recording mastered at eDream MasteringGraphic Design by eDream Graphics Featuring four...
Produced by Hopkins Recording Company in cooperation with Leyerle Publications A new CD recording featuring several songs from each of the three volumes by Richard Faith has just become available....
Volume IIIby Richard FaithEdited by William Lavonis Four of the songs in volume III contain instrumental obbligato parts with piano and voice. One is for Flute and three are for...
Volume IIBy Richard FaithEdited by William Lavonis xiv + 91 Pages Smyth-Sewn Paper 20 Songs Contents:WILLIAM BUTLER YEATS LYRICS1. The Lake Isle of Innisfree2. The Song of Wandering Aengus3. The...
A collection of 15 songsBy Thomas ArneEdited by Thomas Goleeke Contents:1. Go, lovely rose2. Thou soft flowing Avon3. Arise, sweet messenger (from Alfred)4. O spread thy green mantle (from May...